Reframing Our Past Towards A Positive Future. We all have a past that is either viewed positively, negatively, or somewhere in between. We are always referring to our past memories, past events, and past emotional experiences as a basis for moving forward, making decisions, and creating a future for ourselves.
We can say then, that our past is shaping our future.
If our past memories were more positive and we brought them up to our awareness to create a future self and wonderful life experience our future would look very promising.
How about if our past memories were less than positive, or negative, or we had some really deep negative emotional experiences that we continued to focus on and create our future from that place.
Just because we can remember something, doesn’t mean it happened exactly how we remember it.
Elizabeth F. Loftus is a researcher and professor of cognitive psychology and human memory. She is well known in the field for her work on the creation and nature of false memories, and how people can be influenced by information after an event has happened.
Dr. Joe Dispenza and others have discovered through their research and have documented that 50% of what we think we remember didn’t even happen.
The content of our memories is fluid and always changing as we experience more of life and absorb more knowledge.
Therefore, if we have a negative view of the past, this will definitely impact our decisions at the moment projecting into the future.
How can we then change our past memories into more positive experiences so we can create a wonderful future?
We can do this not so much by focusing on the content of the memory, but rather by adjusting the context of the memory and eliciting a more positive meaning.
We call this a context reframe.
We can’t change the event of the past, that’s fixed. What we can do is retrieve some very powerful meanings, awareness, and understandings of what took place from the position of our current self. This will allow us to release any or all negative emotions that are linked to this event, this memory of the past.
In the Leadership Communication Training, I deliver, we have this very powerful intervention called, Time Line Therapy.
During the Time Line Therapy Intervention, we use a context reframe and we are able to reduce and in many situations completely eliminate all negative emotions from a past event and bring all the powerful learning lessons into the present moment for the client to draw upon in creating an empowering future.
Once the Intervention is complete we will have the client think of the past event and observe their response. They smile and say, I have no more negative emotions connected to this event. This event has now lost its power over the client in the present moment. Breakthrough.
When we clean up our past negative emotions from past events, we are empowered to create from a clean slate and not be influenced by these very same negative emotions.
Are you a victim of past emotional events that are controlling your current decisions and future self? Have you lost the ability to create a more empowering future due to the negative emotions of the past?
Understand this, it no longer needs to be this way, when you choose to step up, take action, now… and say goodbye to these negative emotions once and for all.
Reframing Our Past Towards A Positive Future.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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