Coaching & Consulting Via Email. As part of my work as a Professional Fulltime Coach, which I’m extremely passionate about and love, I like to also consult on various subjects and topics that are in line with my career and interests.
Recently a client sent me a number of questions to reply to via email. Following is an excerpt of one of the questions I responded to, which is the LOA (Law of Attraction).
The LOA is so fundamental in my work of supporting my clients to Be, Do, Have and create whatever they desire in their Careers, Relationships, Finances, Health, etc… so they can live a happy and fulfilled life.
Dear (Client),
Good question, here we go…
Email No2
How do I use LOA (Law of Attraction) to help me develop self-love, re-parenting myself… Raising self-esteem/self-worth?
How the LOA works is that whatever we think about, talk about, with emotion, both negative or positive we will create and attract to us…
In many cases we have internal dialogue happening 24/7 and most of that dialogue is not conscious…
Our conscious mind is not even aware it is happening…
Now, if the dialogue is positive and makes my life better, that’s a good thing, because I’m creating what I want…
So someone who was raised in a very positive environment would generally have positive unconscious self-talk that allows the LOA to send them good things…
Now if we were raised in a negative or violent environment our unconscious thoughts and self-talk could be negative and the LOA will send us what we don’t want…
First Action You Can Take: Our job is to make those unconscious negative thoughts and self-talk conscious, expose them, and then replace them with more positive thoughts that will serve us better…
How do we do this…
We need to reprogram our Subconscious Mind with more loving, nurturing, re-parenting thoughts until they are permanent and become the new you…
You can definitely do this if you are willing to put in the work…
Please listen to Louise Hay and her videos about self-love and self-healing. Louise Hay was sexually abused many times as a child, had low self-esteem, poor self-worth, and did not love herself, and she has healed herself to become a very successful businesswoman and wonderful human being.
Here is one of her videos: Love Your Self First
Listen to her videos as much as possible. Even have them playing in the background while you sleep… This is how Louise Hay healed herself (reprogramed her subconscious mind) and you can heal yourself too…
It could take weeks, months, or even a year or 2… It’s worth the investment in yourself…
Once you have reprogramed your subconscious mind you can then have what you want (lasting loving relationships) because of your newfound love for yourself…
When we can love ourselves fully, we can then love others and they will love us back and stay with us…
We need to have self-love and respect for ourselves before we can love another fully…
Do this until you reprogram yourself and your Subconscious Mind and I guarantee, you will be loved by many and able to reciprocate and love back…
Coaching & Consulting Via Email works really well and increases the awareness and knowledge of the client so they continue to grow and develop.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
Free Masterclass Training, How To Get More Successful Outcomes In Your Professional & Personal Relationships… By Saying “NO” (The Right Way)…