3 Ways To Avoid Been Retrenched During Tough Times
3 Ways To Avoid Been Retrenched During Tough Times. Now, more than ever before companies, both large & small, are starting to feel the impact of reduced business and the closing of their doors for the last few weeks and months.
Business owners are in crisis mode trying to keep their businesses afloat, in the market place, with very few sales and large overheads to maintain.
What are business owners doing to ensure the survival of their business in the market place? They are cutting costs to take the burden off the business and one of those costs in salaries.
Some jobs will go and employees, rightly so, are concerned how to keep their jobs, because they too have expenses and families to raise.
What can employees do to ensure they keep their jobs during these tough times?
3 Ways To Avoid Been Retrenched During Tough Times
Here are 3 ways employees can take their power back, be proactive, to secure their jobs.
- Put Yourself In The Shoes Of Your Employer: What are the big challenges that your employer is facing right now? You don’t have to think too hard to hit on a few, the main one is large existing overheads, reduced sales income. Not the right scenario for a profitable existing business.
Start to reduce your own over heads as an employee. Make do with what you have at work, order only what you really need to make a sale. Reduce your working costs. Be conscious of your work related expenses. During lean times we need to operate with leaner supplies.
Match your employer in reducing as many work related expenses as humanly possible.
If your employer decides to reduce your hours or salary, understand where he is coming from, accept the decision, be grateful to have your job. 70-80% of your salary is better than 100% of nothing.
In our Leadership Training we have an Intervention called “Perceptual Position” where we put ourselves in the position of another person to fully understand their perspective. Great for negotiations and disputes. It’s a very powerful intervention.
- Step Up & Be Flexible In Your Behavior: Now is the time to double down and work harder than ever before. Be part of the solution, help your work colleagues as much as possible. Do your tasks extremely well then see what else you can do to help others. Ask your employer if there is anything extra you can do. Take on more tasks and be proud to do them. Doing more for less and supporting your boss and company is empowering and powerful.
- Skill Yourself Up: Now is the perfect time to skill yourself up for 2 reasons: A) Keeping your skills relevant and up to date in this fast growing information & technology period. B) With more skills under your belt you become more attractive & valuable to your employer as you are able to step up and do many varied tasks.
3 Ways To Avoid Been Retrenched During Tough Times
Those are just 3 ways you can apply yourself to avoid been retrenched during tough times.
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