How Do You Talk To Yourself And Treat Yourself Love Yourself

How Do You Talk To Yourself And Treat Yourself Love YourselfHow Do You Talk To Yourself And Treat Yourself Love Yourself

How Do You Talk To Yourself And Treat Yourself Love Yourself. We spend a lot of time talking to ourselves and having conversations in our head…

Now, you may or may not be aware of these conversation going on inside your head, I can assure you they are happening…

It’s one of the ways we communicate to ourselves….

Have you ever seen someone who was actually talking to themselves out loud, and we think they are mad, well, not much more than the rest of us who are having the same conversation in our head…

I believe most people are aware of this internal dialogue going on most of the time, yes or yes?…

Listen up…..

What’s the tone of this dialogue, what’s the theme of this dialogue, what’s the story your repeating over and over again?….

Are you tough on yourself, are you beating yourself up, are you making yourself wrong, are you pulling yourself down, are you hating yourself?….


Are you kind to yourself, are you gentle to yourself, are you accepting of yourself, are you building yourself up, are you saying kind words to yourself, are you loving yourself?….

Depending on how you treat yourself in your internal world others will treat you the same in your external world….

When we can love ourselves, accept ourselves and be kind to ourselves and our cup is full, then we have plenty of the same for those around us…

If we treat our friends the same way we treat ourselves we wouldn’t have any friends, so we must stop treating ourselves that way….

Here’s the deal…

Become aware of your internal talk and how you treat yourself…

If it’s positive and uplifting, continue, step up and make it even better…

If it’s less then positive and uplifting, start now to change the way you talk to yourself, change the way you treat yourself…

Making this shift will create a whole new feeling and experience in your internal world and more positive results will appear in your external world…

Happy creating…

Remember to join me on Face Book or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where most of the action happens…



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