How Our Human Nature Is At War With Our Human Spirit

How Our Human Nature Is At War With Our Human SpiritHow Our Human Nature Is At War With Our Human Spirit.

How Our Human Nature Is At War With Our Human Spirit. Many of us have an internal battle going on inside of us between our human nature and our human spirit…

They both have different dreams and goals and depending on which one you feed the most will flourish and grow in your life…

Our human natures goal is to survive, do as least as possible, relax and enjoy itself….

It just wants to know its alive and do as least as possible for maximum pleasure…

It likes to coffee with friends, sit around all day, relax beside the pool, watch lots of TV, eat junk food, surf social media sites mindlessly and many more unproductive activities…

Now…. Our Human Spirit wants to grow, learn and develop….

It just want to learn, Understand, grow, expand and develop…

It loves discipline, workshops, training courses, reading books, taking physical action, getting positive results, receiving feedback, any activities that will help it to grow…

One, just wants to survive while the other wants to grow….

Which one are you feeding the most, which one is getting bigger in your life?…

Where are you spending most of your time and what results are you getting?….

Our job is to feed the one we want to grow and develop in our life and starve the one we want to disappear from our life….

Which one are you feeding, which one are you growing?…

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