Changing The Way I Feel About Food and Chocolate

changing the way i feel about food and chocolateChanging The Way I Feel About Food and Chocolate.

Changing The Way I Feel About Food and Chocolate could be very beneficial to us if we like to eat too much of it like some of us do.

I remember hearing sometime ago that our LIKE or DISLIKE of a particular food was only a HABIT.

Years ago when I first tasted Avocado’s, I really didn’t like them at all. They tasted horrible to me. After eating Avocado’s periodically over a period of time I now really like them.

Beer is a good example…

When I first tasted beer as a teenager I thought it was disgusting and did not like it. I still drank beer as my fiends were drinking it and real men drink beer:)

Now I can really enjoy a nice cold beer on a hot day.


Changing The Way I Feel About Food and Chocolate.

If we have a habit of liking too much of the wrong foods, like chocolate for example, while I’m reducing my weight, it could be a real challenge. I may be fighting an uphill battle and it puts me in the yoyo diet cycle.

In my NLP coaching I have a wonderful process called LIKE TO DISLIKE.

It’s a process we use to change your feelings about foods you may be eating too much of and are not so good for you.

For example, recently I performed the process with a client who got into the habit of drinking beer after work every night. The process is quick and the results are instant.

That night the desire to have a beer dissapeared and he now feels very comfortable in not drinking beer after work.

This process of LIKE TO DISLIKE or the other way around DISLIKE TO LIKE can also be use for processes or tasks you may be doing that you don’t like yet you still need to do them.

Yesterday during a coaching call over the phone I did this very process for a client who disliked certain administrative tasks.
It’s fascinating as we ask the client to think of a time when they were experiencing the dislike for example of an administrative task and then we would ask, do you have a picture in your mind? The answer is almost always yes because our mind works in pictures.

Then we would do the same process for a task that they really did enjoy and like and ask them, do you have a picture?

Then…we map across the picture qualities of the like to the dislike and all of a sudden they now feel much better about doing that administrative task. The resistance has been greatly reduced, and in most cases disappeared.

When we adjust the internal pictures in our mind of how we see the world our external behavior starts to conform immediately and allows us to experience the results we truly desire.

Is there something you want to change from a LIKE TO DISLIKE or DISLIKE TO LIKE?

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