Magnificent Obsession Not a Want or Like.
I’m sure as your sitting down reading this post listening to my words in your head and thinking about what I’m saying you can rattle off a long list of names of people who have a wish list.
- I wish I had….
- I want a…
- I would like to have…
The things we want or would like to have could be…
- Better health…
- Loving relationships…
- Get into relationship…
- Get out of a relationship…
- More money…
- More holidays…
- Be happier…
- Change my career…
- Meet more people…
- Be a confident public speaker…
- Be an outstanding communicator…
The list can go on and on and on and on…
You may even know someone intimately that has a want or a like BUT never manages to attain it.
When something is a want or a like in your life depending on the magnitude of what you want it doesn’t always come off.
To change and restructure one of the major areas of our lives (depending on where we are starting from) a want or a like is just not going to cut it.
A want or a like is almost powerless to achieve outstanding results. They are words that are low in energy and have very little inspiration to achieve whatever we connect to them.
I can remember years ago when my health was a disaster. I was 110 kilos, had high blood pressure, stress, high cholesterol and my sugar levels were through the roof. I was suffering from indigestion, mental fog, lack of focus, poor concentration and my joints were sore and stiff.
- I wish my health was better…
- I would like to be thinner…
- I want a different body…
So, what was my solution…
I would….
- Try a little exercise…
- Stop eating chocolate…
- Go fat free eating…
- Low carb eating…
- High protein diet…
- Low protein diet…
- Try to drink more water…
- Start to eat a few vegetables…
- Go on a juice fast…
I tried almost every possible solution I could find to lose weight and reclaim my health.
The only thing I did not try was Lippo Suction or surgery. I can assure you I tried almost everything that was available at the time.
The result was that I was still 110 Kilos with all my associated health problems.
That was until I made my health a MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION…
When it came to my health a MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION was that I had to make my health a PRIORITY.
I needed to make some adjustments in my life for a period of time to get on top of my health and the only way to do this was through making my health a MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION.
Now I started to prioritize the different areas of my life and Health was in the front seat, health became the center of my life, health was the driver of all my other decisions and actions.
I would…
- Talk about health…
- Read about health…
- Wake up thinking about health…
- Shower thinking about health…
- Go to the bathroom thinking about health…
- Frequent healthy places only…
Almost everything I did revolved around things to improve my health.
The result was that once I made my mind up to make my health my MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION MAGIC started to happen in my life.

- I understand health at a much deeper level…
- All my acres and pains disappeared…
- I had a powerhouse of energy…
- Focus and concentration returned…
- I was happier…
- More confident…
- More flexible in body and mind…
- Created a better outdoor life…
- I lost 25 kilos…
This is just a short list of the MAGIC that happened in my life in a relatively short period of time by making my health a MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION.
Now it is part of my life and I know exactly what to do to maintain all those health benefits and enjoy outstanding health.
In conclusion I would like to invite you to take the one area of your life that is the lowest in getting the results in your life that you really want and make it your MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION.
I know when you do this and succeed it will raise every other area of your life in an upward direction as well. Also… you will have a such a strong psychological muscle and knowledge in this area that it will never become a major concern for you ever again.
Remember…I’m always here if you have any questions or need a helping hand to make magic happen in your life.