Rituals Determine Your Life and Results

rituals determine your life and resultsRituals Determine Your Life and Results

Bill has a body to die for…. As he stood up, his broad, muscular frame demanded attention. His pecs were full and well defined. His wide lats only added to his perfect V shaped figure and slender torso. As he bent over to tie his shoelace, his back muscles were visible as he stretched, even from a distance. From his robust traps down to the bottom of his lower back, he looked like a body builder from the waist up…

Tom has a body that is killing him…As he stands up he need to grab hold of something to pull himself up and be able to balance on both feet. He want’s to play with his kids in the back yard and due to his size and poor cardiovascular system he sits down and watches them play. Tom has sleep Apnea and sleeps a lot but doesn’t get any rest due to this poor health condition. Tom can’t go far from the house as he loses his breath and needs to rest…

Do you think that Bill and Tom have similar rituals they practice on a daily basis when it comes to their health?

Rituals Determine Your Life and Results

No – 1 The Daily Ritual of………!

When he wakes up in the morning he goes straight to the refridgirator to have a drink of Coca Cola as his mouth feels very dry. On the way to work he picks a Starbucks large double Mocca with extra cream and caramel syrup on top and 2 ham, cheese and tomato bagels. When he arrives home after a busy day he needs to have a sleep before diner and snacks on chips, donuts and Coca Cola before his nap. Wakes up and has diner and realizes there is no time for exercise as it is time to sleep soon. This Ritual happens most days of the week…

No – 2 The Daily Ritual of……..!

Jumping out of bed at 5 am he quickly gets his running clothes on, has a glass of hot water and goes for a 50 min run. He completes his run at the gym where he works out on his upper body for 45 min. Showers and dresses at the Gym and then he goes to the local juice store and orders a green smoothie and a chicken and vegetable wrap. After a busy day at work he go to the local football club where he trains the junior little leagues football team. After training he goes for a swim for 30 minutes before he heads home for a home cooked meal. This Ritual happens most days of the week…

I’m sure there is no need to tell you which Ritual belong to Bill and Tom.

Start to look at the results you are getting in your life and understand those results are coming from your rituals. The daily habitual practices over time add up to the results you are getting.

Are you happy with the results in your…

Personal Growth…

I guarantee you that if you adjust the rituals of the results you are not happy with you will be pleasantly surprised with some new results.

Study the rituals of the people who already have the results that you want = Modelling, and you too will attain the same results when you follow their rituals.

Rituals Determine Your Life and Results

To learn more about how to implement a New Ritual System for any of the major areas of your life please message paul@bigvisionlifecoach.com for more details.

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