How To Confidently Move In Your Body

How To Confidently Move In Your BodyHow To Confidently Move In Your Body.

How To Confidently Move In Your Body. When I was younger, not too many years ago, I didn’t know how to operate, drive my body…

My spirit wasn’t fully connected to my body and you could see it a mile away if you were looking at me moving around…

– Poor posture…
– Eyes all over the place…
– Slow walking / timid….
– Using weak words…
– Energy levels low….

These were just a few of the symptoms of my body mind disconnect….

The body can reflect our inner state at any moment of the day and reveal what’s going on, on the inside…

DR Wayne, I remember, always use to say, we are a spiritual being having a physical experience…

One of the things I share in my training’s and coaching sessions is about how to connect to our physical body so we are able to move through the day, move through life and maximize our results….

Awareness of how I’m moving NOW is the first step…

In many cases we only need to change our posture a fraction of an inch and it will make the world of difference in how I feel, how people perceive me and the results I achieve…

A few small shifts with a huge upside….

Our body just needs a few pointers and then practice, practice, practice and before you know it your walking and talking taller and feeling fantastic…

There is a cybernetic loop between our physical body and our mind…

What that means is that our body can affect our mind by how we use our body and vice versa…

Once you sharpen that body mind connection and polish it, you will feel better, look better and increase your positive results…

Our body is constantly sending a message to the world…

What message are you sending?…

Remember to join me on Face Book or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where most of the action happens…



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