You Can Not Stay Where You are

you can not stay where you are...You Can Not Stay Where You are … and go to Where You’re Going.

Yes, I can hear you saying “Well… that’s obvious!”…

Yes, it is very obvious in reality… how many of us think differently in our minds or more importantly in our actions?


Where do you want to go?

I want to…

– Lose weight, look & feel amazing…
– Have an abundance of energy…
– Have a loving soul mate to share my life with…
– Have bigger network of friends…
– Advance in my career to management level…
– Learn how to speak confidently in public…
– Know how to manage a team of 20 staff members…
– Eat healthier foods and give up the alcohol…
– Learn how to communicate like a professional…
– To travel to other countries like Europe, America, Australia…
– Teach my children how to be successful in the modern world…
– Increase my monthly income to enjoy more of what life has to offer…
– Contribute to society, the world…

The list goes on and on and on and on…

Most of us already know exactly what we do want in our lives in a negative sort of way… I don’t want to be fat… (I want to be thinner)

So… the question remains…How come you don’t have it?

The answer is simply this…

You Can’t Stay Where You Are … and go to Where You’re Going.

We talk about what we want and forget to realize we need to place one foot in front of the other to head in the right direction of achieving it.

Let’s look at an example…

I’m very passionate about health and wellness so let’s start there.

– This is where I’m at now – 110 Kilos
– This is where I want to go – 85 Kilos

Where I am now (110 Kilos) I have a certain lifestyle of eating, exercising, working, socializing etc… Some or all of those lifestyle areas are creating 110 kilos… Agree?

If I continue that exact same lifestyle do you think I will remain at 110 Kilos?

You Can Not Stay Where You are … and go to Where You’re Going.
I need to MOVE from where I am to get to where I’m going…

“It’s insanity to continue to repeat the same behavior and expect a different result”

Many of us (me included) continue to repeat old behaviors expecting a different result in the different areas of our lives…It’s not going to happen…unless we take action and do something different.

I start exercising regularly, eating live foods, taking time out to relax, reading books of how other people have successfully lost weight, socializing in nature…etc…

Understand this…with my different actions and behavior will I get a different result? YES!

I will definitely get a different result, the result I want? Maybe yes, maybe no.

I continue to take different action steps until I discover the recipe for 85 Kilos.


If you haven’t got to where you’re going…

1) Start moving…

2) Start moving in a different direction…

3) If you’re already moving…keep moving until you arrive…

Understand this…

You Can Not Stay Where You are … and go to Where You’re Going.

My Life Mission as an NLP Master Coach is empowering people to get them where they are going as quick as possible and in the most enjoyable way.

Message to get you on the shortest and most pleasant path to where you’re going.

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