What is Your Life Purpose

What is Your Life PurposeWhat is Your Life Purpose

What is Your Life Purpose … more than likely has been on most people’s lips at one point or another during their life.

What is Your Life Purpose is a big question which some of us may never crystalise or even answer.

We see people around us who appear to be working on their life purpose and know exactly what it is they should be doing.

Look at Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Mahatma Gandhi… Were they all working on their life purpose?

Others go from one activity to another and can spend their whole life with no certitude as to their life purpose.

So… what’s the answer…

How do we know if we are living our life purpose?

This is how I look at it…


– We show up on this planet with nothing…
– We leave this planet with nothing…
– In between arriving and leaving we have a lot of experiences…

Some people go through life working hard, building a business or empire – then they leave
Some people go through life raising children and creating a wonderful family environment – then they leave.
Some people go through life very angry, fighting with everyone, sad, depressed, ill health – then they leave.
Some people go through life very happy, have good relationships, many friends, travel, outstanding health – then they leave.
Some people go through life cheating, stealing, breaking laws, making trouble – then they leave.
Some people go through life helping, donating, contributing – then they leave.
Some people go through life doing what they love – then they leave.
Some people go through life doing what they don’t like – then they leave.
Some people go through life doing all or some of the above – then they leave.

What have you been doing since you arrived? What type of experiences have you been creating for yourself and those around you?

The Dalai Lama say…

“I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. From the moment of birth, every human being wants happiness and does not want suffering. Neither social conditioning nor education nor ideology affect this.”

I can still remember a true account of the Dalai Lama been asked a question by a reporter trying to catch him out… The reporter asked…”Which religion it the best one to follow?

The Dalai Lama tilts his head down with a smile on his face for a few moments…then he gently raises his chin and replies…”It’s the one that makes you a better person”.

Our lives are a series of experiences so for me it makes perfect sense to choose the experiences in our lives that are going to make us a better person and the happiest…

Make sense to you?

Look at it this way…

Let’s imagine that our life purpose is HAPPINESS…

HAPPINESS is a STATE… a STATE is something we can have immediately…Close your eyes and remember a time when you were really, really happy…take a minute and enjoy that experience in your mind as the feelings of happiness appear in your body and mind…NOW YOU ARE HAPPY.

Now that you are happy (life Purpose) go and DO, BE or HAVE anything that will continue to make you and those around you happy…

So… with this example LIFE PURPOSE is a STATE not something that we do…The doing will feed the LIFE PURPOSE…

Do you think Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Mahatma Gandhi all enjoyed what they were doing to feed their LIFE PURPOSE of HAPPINESS?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is the perfect tool to adjust your beliefs, thinking, behavior and results to create HAPPINESS in your life so you can do whatever you like to do to increase your level of HAPPINESS – LIFE PURPOSE.

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